Saturday, June 25, 2011

Divorce is the "new" marriage!!!

As a woman who wanted to be a married woman so long before God actually blessed me with a mate, I can identify with the single man and woman who wants a mate sooooooo bad. I know what it feels like to want to share  your life with that "perfect" somebody who you will refer to as "the one" or "soul mate". We stand in prayer lines, believe God wholeheartedly for the one that he has for us and then when we get the mate we feel some how that the work is all done.Little do we understand that the work has just begun....the wedding planning was the easy part...LOL!!

 I have been married for almost two years and in no way can I sit here and claim to know all there is to know about marriage. To be honest, I am still learning day by day. One lesson that I can say that I have learned is that marriage is HARD WORK!!!!! Can I get a amen married people???? In my opinion, I think that a lot of people have a unrealistic view on what marriage is and what it entails. I heard a radio personality say the other day that "divorce is now the new marriage" meaning that divorce seems to be more of the norm now than marriage. When I heard this comment, I cringed inside because it disturbed me to the core.  I know that marriage is a blessing and its ordained by God; however, so many people (including Christians) are heading to divorce court. How have we allowed this to happen? How is it  that we marry the man/woman of our dreams or you can say that you've married the man/woman that God hand selected just for you but years if not months down the line, your heading to court to get a divorce? Is that person not still the person of your dreams, the one that God predestined for you???? I know that these are a lot of questions but I just wonder these things.

I will say for a while in my own life before I got married, I gave so much thought about what I wanted my wedding to be like, or what colors would my bridesmaids wear....I didn't give a lot of thought to what it took to be married!!! When your dating someone your all about the "being on cloud nine" feeling and although I believe that you can (and should) be married and still have that feeling but I understand that it takes a lot more than just a feeling to make  marriage work and last. Marriage is work!! In my opinion its worth the hard work!!! I just refuse to accept in my own life and in the life of those married couples that I know that divorce will be there norm!!! There are great, good and bad times in marriage but my marriage is worth fighting for!!! I know what the statistic state concerning marriage but I believe if before marriage we truly understand what we are getting into and once we are married are truly committed to the vows that we took and keep God as the focal point in our relationship we can have healthy and happy marriages regardless of what statistics state!!!

What do you think? Do you think that divorce is now the norm? Do you think that all marriages can protect/prevent themselves from divorce?

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Thinking on Purpose

Lately, it seems like my mind has been on overload. I have been thinking about so many things. For the past two weeks or so I have had a terrible cold and even in the midst of the awful headaches, bad coughs and stuffy nose; I still managed to think about a lot of things. During, this time the last Oprah show was broadcast and for the first time, I have to admit that a lot of what Oprah had to say stuck with me. She talked about a lot of different things but the one thing that she talked about was having a calling and knowing your purpose. Perhaps this stuck out to me because I have been thinking a lot about my life and what my pupose is here on earth. I don't believe that God made any accidents or that we are simply here by chance. I believe that everyone has a purpose for being here. Rather that purpose is on a large scale or small scale; we all have a purpose to be achieved. So I've been thinking about my life and trying to put things into proper prospective. I don't want to live a life and never have reached my purpose in life. I have been asking God to reveal to me that purpose and allow me to birth the things that are inside of me. I don't believe that this life will last forever, for our time here on earth is limited so we have to make sure that we arent wasting time. Although, my life is busy with all that I have to attend to, I still often wonder am I wasting precious time. I want my life to be pleasing to God, encourage change in others and be about purpose. That is where I am in my life. I want purpose!!! I want to fulfill my God given purpose here on earth. I feel that its so important to figure out what you were created to do and work hard at achieving that. I dont believe that its ever to late to start. The time is now and I am on my journey to figure out just what that is! I am fully confident that I will find it and achieve it!!!

Monday, May 9, 2011


Thank you so much for taking the time out to read my blog. I welcome you to my world!!! I decided to become a blogger because it gives me a chance to connect with my family and friends that I dont get a chance to talk to on a regular basis and I have an opportunity to voice my opinion and concerns to a wider audience. I am very excited about this blog and  connecting to my followers. I will be writing about alot of different topics that I find interesting or just expressing random thoughts. I hope you enjoy my post. I am looking forward to having fun!!! Sit back and relax and enjoy!! Again, welcome to my blog!